48-point screen output of the enclosed four fonts looks like this:
These four fonts are shareware fonts. If you like, use, and keep these fonts, please send a tax-deductible contribution to Columbia University, to Cynthia Lemiesz, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. Your donation helps pay for performances of music written by Columbia University composers (whose budget was just cut to nearly nil). For UpperWestSide or UpperEastSide, send $9.99 (each); for LowerWestSide or LowerEastSide, send $2.99 (each). If you have already sent in a contribution for the PostScript versions of these fonts, do not send another. On your check memo, write "Contact Lens Pizza."
You may copy these fonts and give them to your friends, providing all the files in this archive, including the one you are reading, are included. User groups and noprofit organizations may also distribute these fonts with the above conditions. For-profit organizations and public domain/shareware outlets are prohibited from selling or distributing these fonts in any way.
These fonts come to you from Insect Bytes, a place in central New England where the mosquitoes for the entire continent originate, and where cartoon characters make the coffee in the morning.